Lesson 7
How Can I Quickly Make More Money With What I Already Have?
Part 3: The Listings Window
This mini-series has covered some awesome techniques you can
use to increase your profits on any product. Now, we’re going to take
it one step further and look at how you can find the answers to your
own unique questions.
Today, I’m going to reveal
to you the window that allows you to truly customize your research.
You’re different, and no one else has the same background or
experiences you have. You have a unique business with unique offerings
and unique goals, so why should we assume that you have all the same
research questions as any other eBay business? Well, you’re exactly
right. And the Listings Window is going to
allow you to find the answers to your unique research
Introducing the Listings Window
actually already looked at the Listings
Window. When we filtered our report for accuracy we used
this window to find those listings we didn’t want included in our
results, remember? But now, I’m going to show you how to use this
report to find answers. Go ahead and open up your
Filtered Earbuds report, and we’ll get
Now, before we begin, I want you to
scroll to the right within this window and see just how much
information is here at your fingertips. That’s crazy, huh? It really
shows you how much power HammerTap gives you.
honestly, the first time I ever looked at this window I was slightly
overwhelmed. I thought it was awesome there was so much information,
but how it the world what I supposed to actually make it useful?! Well,
when you come into this window, you want to have a question. If you
have a question, you can easily read the data to find your
So, what question do we want answered
for our Skullcandy earbuds? Well, let’s imagine that I’ve decided I’m
going to go with an auction-style listing. We’ve already discovered
that I’ll get the highest price if I end my listing on Sunday, but what
time on Sunday will get me the highest price? (When we looked at the
Findings chart and the Summary Window we
examined ending times, but now we’re looking for the time that is best
specifically for Sunday.)
Sorting the Data
we set off on our quest for answers, let’s first review how to sort the
data. We talked about this briefly in a previous lesson, but I want to
review it real quickly here too, just to make sure we’re on the same
Pick a column, any column, and click on its
header. By clicking on the column heading, the data is sorted in
ascending or descending order. (Notice the way the little arrow is
pointing—that tells you which way the data is sorted.)
can sort the data in this window by any column heading and also drag
and drop columns into any order, making it a snap to compare columns to
each other.
And while you may think that’s cool… just wait, it gets better.
find out which time on Sunday will be best to end our auction, we want
to compare the End Day, End
Time, and Total Sales
columns. Instead of just plopping them next to each other, we’re going
to make the data even easier to look at.
- Scroll
over, and left-click and drag the End Day
column heading into the grey area labeled “Drag a column header here to
group by that column” and drop the column.
- Your screen will change, having only the ending days listed on the left.
- Left-click
and drag the End Time column and drop it
next to End Day above.
- Scroll
back to the right, left-click and drag the Total
Sales column and drop it next to the End
Time column above. You’ve now sorted the data by all
three of these variables.
- Click on the
plus box next to the End Day you’re
interested in looking at (I’m looking at Sunday because that’s the day
that will get me the highest price), and the list will expand to
display the ending times for all of the listings that ended on that
- Next, go through and click the plus
signs to expand each of the ending times and reveal the total sales
that closed at that time.
what my Listings Window looks like after all those steps (your window
won’t have the colored outlines… I added those):

you expand each of the times to reveal the total sales, look for a time
of day with a number of listings that sold at higher than average
prices. (Remember that our overall ASP is $12.13.) Trying to find a
specific hour of the day is usually tricky and unreliable, so instead,
focus on find a more general time of day that will return a higher
Look through your report or the picture of
mine and see if you can spot some above-average total sales. If you’re
looking at my window, you’ll notice that the second listing down has a
price that seems a little high ($29.40, outlined in red). If you see
prices you’re not sure about, go ahead and click the plus sign to
expand it out and look at the individual listing(s). Next, check the
Quantity Available column (also in red).
You’ll see that in this case, the total sale was indeed $29.40, but two
sets of earbuds sold, each selling for $14.70.
went through and checked all of the times on Sunday and found the
highest concentration of above-average prices within the times I
bracketed in the above graphic. I’ve underlined in blue the listings
that sold for higher than average. From these sales, we can conclude
that listing between 9 p.m. and midnight will get us the highest price
for our earbuds.
It’s crucial that you remember all times you
see within HammerTap are Pacific Time. Because eBay is based in
California, all their times are recorded in Pacific Time regardless of
where the seller or buyer is located. Make sure you do the math if you
live anywhere other than the Pacific Time Zone!
you’re finished looking at your sorted data, you can return to the
normal Listings Window view by dragging
the column headings up until you see the black
X appear. Then just let go of the header
and it will disappear. Do this with each of the column headers and
you’ll be back to your normal Listing
Window, ready to find answer to more of you
Other questions you might ask include:
- What start price got the most bids?
- What start price ended with the highest prices?
- Which listing duration got the highest bids?
it just depends on the extent of your creativity. You can sort the data
to answer dozens of questions, so what do you need to know?
Assignment #7: Answer your own questions!
now learned all the techniques for quickly optimizing your listings!
Way to go! Now, I want you to pull it all together for one of your own
products. Run a new Product Search (check for accuracy!), and check the
Findings Window (both the chart and the
question reports), the Summary Window, and
the Listings Window for ways you can
optimize your listings to maximize your profits! You might find some
surprising new ways to pull in those high-paying buyers.
You’ve not only finished this session, but you’ve also finished our
mini-series! Now, we’re going to move on to ways you can increase
traffic to those newly optimized listings! Stay tuned for Lesson 8, and
don’t forget to send your questions to our support
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